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Small Intestine Surgery

Advanced Robotics and Laparoscopic Surgeons serving Roseville, Carmichael, Folsom, Grass Valley, Sacramento, CA, and the surrounding areas

Small Intestine Surgery services offered in Roseville, Carmichael, Folsom, Grass Valley, Sacramento, CA, and the surrounding areas

Abdominal pain, sudden, unexplained weight loss, blood in the stool, or a lump in the abdomen could all indicate the need for small intestine surgery. The skilled surgeons at Sierra Pacific Surgical serving Roseville, Carmichael, Folsom, Grass Valley, Sacramento, CA, and the surrounding areas, specialize in removing benign and malignant tumors in the small intestine. They offer the latest state-of-the-art surgical treatments while carrying out their mission of confronting disease, educating patients, and restoring health. Schedule an evaluation today by calling the office or requesting an appointment online. 

Small Intestine Surgery Q&A

What does the small intestine do?

Food leaving the stomach enters the small intestine (small bowel), the longest part of the digestive tract. It normally lies coiled inside the lower abdomen below the stomach, but an adult’s small intestine would measure 10-16 feet long if straightened out. 

The small intestine handles most of the digestive process. It breaks down food, absorbs nutrients, extracts most liquids, and moves waste to the large intestine (bowel), which can take about five hours.

Why would I need small intestine surgery?

Several conditions can damage sections of the small intestine, requiring surgery to restore normal bowel function, including:

  • Benign (noncancerous) growths
  • Cancerous tumors
  • Bowel obstruction
  • Bleeding, infection, or ulcers caused by Crohn’s
  • Precancerous polyps
  • Traumatic injury to the small intestine

During your pre-surgical consult, the team at Sierra Pacific Surgical performs a thorough evaluation that may include diagnostic imaging studies and laboratory tests before developing a surgical plan.

What happens during and after small intestine surgery?

The Sierra Pacific Surgical team performs small intestine surgery, also called small bowel resection, at an accredited surgical facility in the Greater Sacramento area. Depending on which method best suits your health needs, your surgeon may recommend open (traditional) surgery or a minimally invasive laparoscopic approach.

Your surgical team provides instructions on preparing for the procedure. For instance, you may be asked to stop taking certain medications several days before the surgery, including aspirin, ibuprofen, and other medicines that thin your blood. They also explain the details and expectations for the upcoming procedure.   

You’re asleep under general anesthesia during the surgery. The procedure varies depending on the type, location, and extent of the intestinal damage or size of the tumor. 

Generally, however, your surgeon locates and removes the tumor or diseased portion of the small intestine and then sutures the ends together, closing the gap and promoting normal digestive function.

Your surgical team provides instructions for incision care and schedules a post-surgical follow-up visit. You also receive information about dietary restrictions during the healing phase, designed to rest your small intestine as it recovers from surgery. 

Most patients return to their regular routine within 2-4 weeks of small bowel resection.

Schedule an evaluation today at Sierra Pacific Surgical. Call one of their Northern California offices or request an appointment online. Telehealth appointments are available.